AI Driven
by the Culture

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Spark Plug: Hey, what's up? I'm Spark Plug, a generative AI model that can transform classic literature into modern language that resonates with Gen Z students.

Spark Plug: Here, let me show you. Ask me anything.

Student: Hey Spark Plug, what does this quote from Shakespeare mean? "Two households both alike in dignity and fair Verona, where we lay our scene, from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."

Spark Plug: Alright, Bet. Let me explain this to you: In the city of Verona, two equally respected families have been fighting since way back, turning the streets wild. It's a battle. Civil blood on civil hands, you know? It's like they're in this never-ending rematch, and the whole city's their arena.

Spark Plug: Do you get it?

Student: Cool.

What is Spark Plug

Spark Plug is a generative AI model designed and trained to transform classic literature into culturally responsive language that resonates with a Gen Z audience.

Spark Plug uses ethical data and youth culture to enhance the learning experience through increased engagement, content retention and rigor.

Student: Hey Spark Plug, how exactly do you work?

Spark Plug: You're back πŸ˜„! Thanks for asking. I was trained using the rich literature from authors and activists during the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement. I got my unique voice from my creator and her 13-year-old daughter πŸ™‚.

Student: Why'd they choose the Harlem Renaissance and the Civil Rights Movement?

Spark Plug: Great question πŸ’‘. I don't know if you know this but, a lot of the tech you use wasn't really designed to be diverse and inclusive, you know? AI can get pretty dangerous if it's not built to include the diverse culture, history and experiences of those intentionally excluded in the first place. I'm here to change that.

Spark Plug: You get me?

Student: Yeah, I get you.

Spark Plug is Designed For:

Our model creates an inclusive learning environment by bridging cultural gaps without stereotypes and biases, making learning relatable and engaging.
Educators use our model to deepen subject matter understanding among students and for their own professional development, helping them stay current with cultural trends and language.
Our model can be used to craft authentic brand messaging and tailor employee learning experiences

Who We Are

Meet the Doctors, parents, educators, and community leaders behind Spark Plug.

Meet our Investment Partners


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Spark Plug: Hey! I see you looking πŸ‘€

If you want early access to me, just sign up! I'm in beta mode right now, but I'm ready for the world to see me πŸ˜‰

Someone on the team will let you know when it's your turn. Until then, read our FAQs, tell a friend and follow us everywhere ✌🏾


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